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Minutes 11-5-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police Commissioner held on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Brian Budd, Duane Giannini, Bruce Walzcak. ABSENT: Robert Connor, Captain Rios. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe, no members of public, no members of the press where present. Mr. Michael Galante, (Frederick P. Clark Assoc.) Robin Eshaghpour (Walgreens Developer), TB Newtown, LLC.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No public were present.

Chairman Mattegat requests that the board allow Mr. Galante and Mr. Eshaghpour to be placed first on agenda (Walgreens application). Motion by Commissioner Walzcak and seconded by Commissioner Giannini. Motion unanimously passed. Presentation done by both parties. Questions were posed to Mr. Galante and Mr. Eshaghpour. Discussion on impact of traffic with  DOT & STC data studies from Fairfield Hills were noted. A driveway off Wasserman Way will deter traffic from Rt 25. A bypass lane was discussed to ease traffic flow in the southbound lane of Rte. 25. Site plans presented and reviewed.  Chief Kehoe requested that the westbound lane of Wasserman Way be extended to allow turning northbound cars to queue on the approach to the intersection.  Mr. Galante indicated that he would work that request into the plans.  Commissioner Budd commented that he was reluctant to vote on the matter because he did not have sufficient time to review the traffic study provided by Mr. Galante. Motion was made by Commissioner Giannini to move forward with the project and to accept it with the condition that Commissioner Budd has time to review study.   Commissioner Budd felt, that he was not comfortable with motion and Commissioner Giannini then withdrew motion. Commissioner Giannini made a new motion to recommend the application as presented to Planning & Zoning Commission. Second by Commissioner Walzcak. Motion made on the project, resulting in 3 to 1 vote, with Commissioner Budd dissenting.

MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting on September 2, 2008 and the addendum to the minutes were accepted unanimously as presented based upon motion of Commissioner Budd and seconded by Commissioner Walzcak. The minutes of the special meeting of September 15, 2008 were accepted unanimously as presented based upon a motion of Commissioner Budd and seconded by Commissioner Walzcak. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 7, 2008 and the addendum to the minutes were accepted as presented based upon a motion of Commissioner Budd and seconded by Commissioner Walzcak, Commissioner Mattegat abstaining.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (October, 2008). Overtime was unremarkable; with an exception of additional costs regarding Departmental Firearms Training. Budget Balances for 2008-09 were unremarkable. GL Accounts were included. Fleet the three new cruisers are in the process of being set up and due to be in-service by end of November. Personnel including FTEP report from Sgt. Wisentaner. One officer has completed FTEP training and has been assigned to the Day Shift. Three officers in the academy are scheduled for graduation in early December and projected dates for assignment to patrol will be early April. Police Academy grades for the three officers were submitted by the Chief. Promotions the pretest meeting has been set for November 20, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. in the lower conference room, with Dr. Larry Jetmore of the National Police Testing Services for the Sergeants and Detectives exams. The Sergeants written exam is scheduled for December 12, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in the lower conference room. January 9, 2009 the Detectives Exam will be held, also in the lower conference room. TRAINING was submitted by the Chief from Lt. Mooney. Letter of Appreciation for the Department and Officer Jeff Silver was received from Chief of Police, Douglas Fuchs of Ridgefield, for assisting with a recent Truck Enforcement detail. CORRESPONDENCES: 1st Selectman Joseph Borst requested permission from D.O.T. to acquiring Exit #11 property. Letter of Concern from CHARTER RIDGE residents regarding a reckless driver. The department’s Traffic Unit has been assigned to look into this.  Victim Advocate, Kevin McCarthy regarding meeting with Mrs. Hansen and understandings were met by both parties.  

UPDATES: Materials have been ordered for the plateau at Queen St. in front of Middle School,  progress slowed due to DPW attention to Newtown Youth Academy opening.
Signage - No Turn on Red RT 25 & Mile Hill, placement on-going No reply as of yet.. Movement of Sign on Mt. Pleasant awaiting letter from STC. Passing Zone –RT 25 North Ridge Dr. completed and looks great. Traffic Sign-Church Hill /Commerce Road – projected completion next couple of weeks. Town Road Speed Limits  on-going study. Chief Kehoe will have data complied for the next meeting in December to submit. Hundred Acres Road/Phyllis Lane markings have been added to roadway. Curb Study Rt. 6 meeting held and plans discussed for moving forward. Plans to be reviewed by DOT by June of 2009. Pearl Street Study–Chief stated it is still an on-going study and after researching, Pearl Street has been approved and accepted by the Town and is a town roadway.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (Chief presented for Captain) (October, 2008) included (also last year’s report for comparison) Motor Vehicles Activity Report, DUI Report and Monthly Calls for Services. Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report. Grants: DWI Grant has been applied for and the Chief will notify the Commissioners via e-mail when the department receives funding for 2008 – 2009 coverage.

Unfinished Business:

Discussion, re-consideration and possible action on Board of Police Commissioner’s Exit Interview Policy. (Commissioners Walzcak, Budd & Giannini). Commissioner Giannini formally thanked Commissioners Budd and Walzcak. Policy reviewed and Commissioner Walzcak requested that changes to the formatting be made to shorten the form. Also to include changes to include the Board to be a part of the exit interview process.  Motion was made by Commissioner Walzcak, seconded by Commissioner Giannini to accept the changes as discussed by Board, and were unanimously accepted.

Discussion, re-consideration and possible action on Chief’s evaluation process and format will be tabled.

Discussion and possible action on Town-wide traffic Calming Guidelines regarding Traffic Calming Ordinance. (Commissioner Walzcak). Guidelines reviewed and discussed and no votes were taken. Issue tabled.


Discussion, comments and possible action on Newtown High School Expansion-request to revise driveway recommendations and conditions of STC certificate.  1st Selectman’s letter to STC was reviewed. Commissioner Mattegat and Commissioner Budd stated their concerns for the safety of students and any individuals using this driveway. Mr. Galante stated that the Commission’s concerns be stated in a letter to the STC. Deferment of the driveway for a 2 year period was requested by the Board of Education. Commissioner Walzcak and Commissioner Giannini were in favor of first selectman’s letter to the STC relative to the two year deferment. Commissioner Mattegat and Commissioner Budd felt that the public safety issue should be the first concern and we should go with the STC plans as presented originally. Motion made by Commissioner Mattegat to go ahead with the original plans as presented to the STC, seconded by Commissioner Budd. The board was split on decision for acceptance, 2 (Budd, Mattegat) in favor; 2 (Giannini, Walzcak) against.  

Discussion and approval of the dates for regular meetings for the Board of Police Commissioners in 2009. The Board of Police Commissioner’s meeting schedule was discussed and is attached. Motion by Commissioner Giannini to accept the dates second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Review of Traffic Management Strategic Plan. This will be tabled.

Discussion, comments and possible action on curb cuts on Queen Street. Commissioner Mattegat will be contacting Jean St. Jean and a meeting time will be made. Chief informed the board that this is on-going study particularly on Queen St. This matter will be discussed again after Commissioner Mattegat and Jean St. Jean have had their meeting.

Discussion, comments and possible action on temporary traffic control plan for Shoppes at Newtown. Chief stated that an e-mail was sent out and the delay was with the Wachovia Bank site. Chief Kehoe also assured that the wishes of the commission and the Town Permit are still in place and also stated that this is not a sign off for the project and that the project must be and will be finished.  

Secondary Employment: for Lt. George Sinko. Motion made by Commissioner Walzcak to approve Secondary Employment application for Lt. Sinko Second by Commissioner Giannini, and unanimously carried.

Discussion, comments and possible action on 08-09 Police Department Budget. Chief Kehoe stated typo regarding Budget period. It should be for the 09-10 budget. Commissioner Giannini requested that the board receive via e-mail from the chief and after the board has a chance to review they would go ahead and approve the budget as presented. If needed a special meeting would be scheduled. Commissioner Budd agreed.


Commissioner Giannini relayed to the Board that the Motor Vehicle Activity Reports are being revitalized and the board will have a clear portrayal of statistics with this new layout.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. An agreement to table the session until the next meeting was made by Commissioner Mattegat Second by commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Mattegat called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m.. Commissioner Budd motioned and this was second by Commissioner Walzcak and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Carol A. Swigart, Clerk